Wednesday 15 October 2008

Audience reserach- results


Fourteen out of twenty people said that channel four was their preferred channel. This was an interesting result as I didn’t give the participants options but left it blank for them to identify their favourite. As my target audience mostly watch channel four I should aim to create a documentary that would be suitable for this institution.

However only six people out of twenty actually said that documentaries were their favoured genre. They were more likely to watch dramas or comedies so perhaps it would be possible to touch on some of their conventions to appeal to my audience. But this could be problematic, as my target audience don’t particularly like this genre; therefore I should try to aim for a time slot that they would be likely to watch. This may encourage them to watch as it’s convenient. It also crucial that the documentary is based on a topic that would interest them in order to encourage them to watch.

Only one person, out of twenty, said directly that they didn’t actually like documentaries. This is good as shows that although not favoured they do all watch documentaries.

The majority of the participants said that they preferred ‘real life’ documentaries. However this isn’t a conceivable style for me to attempt due to the time restrictions and limit on resources. I would have a large enough time period and access to equipment as have to share with other students to create a successful real time documentary. Alternatively I would create a window into real person’s life or way of living, which would be classed as an ethnographic film.

All participants identified the function of a documentary was to either give insight into a persons life or highlight key social issues. I would hope to have an idea that would aim to achieve both.

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