Friday 16 January 2009


Now that I have the two interviews I began to construct a firm narrative. As I mentioned earlier the fact that I had already written a script sped this process up as I knew the direction I wanted my narrative to follow.
When constructing John’s sections of the narrative I found that I was having to combine answers from each of the interviews in order to create a whole coherent answer. The problem with this was that visually it was jumping between his movements and was not only unrealistic but disorientating. I began to try find ways to cover up these sections. I put visual images in-between the jumps or over. This was a matter of trail and error that I would only fully see if successful once I extracted all audio from interviews where images where going over.
Before distracting the sound I ensured that the interview had a form narrative. The extracting of sound was along process as they had to be done individually as broken in sections. However once this was done I then had to move on to ensuring that the images and sound were in sequence. I had to tweak sound levels at end and beginning of clips so that sound was level.

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