Thursday 27 November 2008

intial interview questions- john

1-How do you make your way to work?

2-What specifically do you enjoy about your work?

3-What are the people you work with like?

4-What do you do at work?

5-Do you feel you are treated equally?

6-Is you employer considerate of your needs?

7-Does your employer adapt to your needs?

8-How did you find this job?

9-Why do you choose to work/what does working add to your life?

10-How long have you had this job?

I wanted my questions to enable john to express his feelings about work without influencing his answers. For example if question 3 was phrased “are the people you work with nice?” the word ‘nice’ would put an idea in johns head thus giving him an easy answer? So by asking what they are like instead leaves john to fully express himself. However it’s crucial that some of the questions are very specific i.e. question 2, so that the answers are detailed in order for me to have images that correspond with the descriptions.

The questions start off general, simply asking about his working environment and experiences. However become more specific and focused on disability too the end; this is the way I want my narrative to progress in my documentary. I am aware that I do not need to film it in the order I want it as I could arrange it when editing however I feel this

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