Thursday 27 November 2008

potential shots

Firstly I am going to plan the reconstruction and general shots as they will be the main part of the documentary because I am going to use voice over’s. I want the images to correspond with what the interviewees say so these are rough idea which will change once I have interviews. However some of the shots are crucial to show john working life and his responsibilities while preventing audience to judge him i.e. extreme close up of hands as doesn’t show his disability.

- Establishing shot of the pub.
- Circular shot of the area
- Hand held shots walking behind john
- Low hand held shot of his feet walking
- Similar issues as the shot before however now must
- Mid shot of camera sitting on table with glasses in view and the rest of the shot out of focus
- Extreme close up of glass, out of focus, then steady zoom in revealing object
- Extreme close up of cutlery, out of focus, then steady zoom out to reveal object
- Close up of plant as being watered, resembles wilderness
- Close up of glasses and ash trays
- Mid shot of john in garden placing out the ash trays
- Low mid shot through reflection of mirror showing john working.
- Side hand held shots of john walking with glasses
- Hand held mid shot from behind as john walks with glasses
- Time lapse shot of the pub from a high angle in order to cover much of the working space.

Interview shots
- mid shots of john and worker communicating with each other
- close up of hands communication
- stylised mid shots of manager mike talking about John as worker and individual also about views on disability in the workplace
- mid shot of customer in their pub environment

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