Thursday 27 November 2008


I now have all permission needed to film! This is really important as the deadline is approaching and i have been restricrted in what i have been able to do.
I had a meeting with Oydessy Care Solutions where i had to present my proposal for my doccumentary. In order to gain permission they needed to ensure that i wasn't taking advantage of John. I had to present them with all the shots that I wanted to film in order to access that John was capable to do so. However this wasn't a problem as all my shots are observational, meaning that they are following his daily tasks.
In order to secure filming permission for the location 'The plough' I had to get this fromt the area manager. I wrote a letter outlining what it was that i wanted to do and for what pupose. However this took a number of weeks to be cleared as she was always really busy and also had to send my lettter to head office.

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