Thursday 27 November 2008

Product research for drug documentary- Kids Knives and Broken lives

Camera Shots
-Low angle shots of back of interviewee. This works to the advantage of the doc because the person is anonymous therefore more likely to be truthful.
-There are extreme close up of hands while he is talking. Use of hands is important as shows as much emotion as face would while talking so enables documentary maker get same effect while still anonymous.
-Continuous shots of urban feature i.e. surveillance cameras. This creates an uneasy feel to the doc and mirrors the emotions of interviewees.

-Shots freeze then zoom in on person. Writing appears to introduce each interviewee. This works well as immediately points out who the doc is following to audience. It also adds an urban and movie like feel to the doc which will engage target audience.
-Colloquialisms and slang defined through a split screen. This shows that the documentary makers are conscious of their audience which would have been adults due to the screening time. Or perhaps they may have simply been trying to broaden their target audience from just teenagers.
-Switching from interviews to real life footage of them. This editing makes what they are saying more interesting. It also makes audience connect more with participant as they have an insight into their lives.

-Numerous establishing shots of urban areas used throughout the documentary. They are important as they bring audience into the culture and environment of the interviewees hence can relate to them more.
-Participants shown in their own environments.

-Voice over used while establishing shots used. This works well as opens doc and set scene simultaneously, also makes introduction more interesting to audience.
-Urban noises. These common sounds not only work to create setting but also highlight that these are real and common issues.
-Urban music. This music was used to directly gain the interest of target audience while also illustrating the culture of its interviewees.
-Voice over was used throughout the doc to keep a fluency. It mainly quoted relevant statistics. This worked well as kept a pace to doc and the statistics worked to show real affect of gun and knife crime.

There are numerous things that I found in teresting about the construction of this documentary and would want to apply to my own. For example the editing which sets the toneof documentary through its mix of interview shots and real life shots. However i wouldn't want to have a voice over as i do not want have a 'voice of god' style narrative. I as film maker do not want to influence the audience or action.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

It's a great Festival, and you are fully deserved of being there with you're ambitious and talented. And..anyhow, I hope we'll have more CONS in Orlando...It's fun!
kids knives